The three individuals, Amanda, Michael & Linda are the trustees of The Blind Loyalty Trust for a very clear reason. Amanda Cromhout is the Founder of the trust but absolutely can’t do this without Dr Michael Attenborough and Linda Carr. Amanda’s rationale behind why the trust has been established is well documented on the home page. The purpose of the trust can only be realised with the magical surgical hands and brain of Dr Michael Attenborough, who has not only walked this path with Amanda in his care, but hundreds of other patients. Linda Carr is a personal friend of Amanda’s and has worked in ophthalmology in the UK, so understands the complexity and severity of fusarium keratitis. With Linda’s insight and support across the UK, the trust is a stronger charitable organisation.
Michael is UK Fellowship-trained (Moorfields Eye Hospital) in corneal and refractive surgery.
In order to provide the best service to my patients, I limit my practice to corneal, cataract and refractive surgery, and to the treatment of diseases of the cornea and anterior segment of the eye. My practice prides itself on thorough, patient-focused care, using the highest quality and technologically advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. I enjoy building relationships with patients and derive personal and professional satisfaction from helping patients achieve the best clinical results possible.
Amanda has been a loyalty professional & marketing leader throughout her career.
In 2022, at the age of 51, I was struck by fusarium keratitis in such a terrifying way and endured three months of intense pain. After two emergency cornea transplants and daily interventions from Dr Michael Attenborough, I was finally able to function without pain again but unfortunately I am currently blind in my right eye. Dr Attenborough will attempt to restore my vision in the next stage of surgery in 2023. Throughout this ordeal, I used to often say: “How on earth does anyone not insured survive this?” I have therefore, founded the Blind Loyalty Trust to provide essential eye surgery for disadvantaged individuals, with the critical help of my fellow trustees.
Linda has dedicated her career to Healthcare Management in the UK, working in NHS Organisations with National and International reputations.
For 7 years I worked in a centre for complex corneal problems; a unit that was steeped in history having been instrumental in a change of law “The Corneal Grafting Act, 1952”. This Act removed many of the barriers to people wishing to donate their eyes for medical reasons, and the first Eye Bank in Britain was then established. A University friend of Amanda, I was able to understand the life changing impact of the ordeal she has gone through, and with Blind Loyalty I know we can support others to avoid blindness.